The Boats of the Glen Carrig
- THE BOATS OF THE GLEN CARRIG - A computer painting. It appears in the book, "MASTERS OF THE WEIRD TALE: HODGSON," published by Centipede Press, 2009.
Hodgson's sea stories are about the awesome nature of the oceans, how truly fearsome the seas can be. Think of yourself as a sailor during the early days of exploration, stretched out high up on a spar trying to tie down the sails of a small creaky old wooden sailing ship that is reeling about in a raging storm, up and down over huge cascading waves on an ocean that is incredibly deep and has an end about which nothing is known!
Or laying stretched out on the hot deck of that tiny wooden ship, floating motionless on a dead calm sea in the middle of nowhere, suffering the intense blinding rays coming down from a blazing sun.
Where did those ancient mariners get the courage to challenge the dreadful power of earth's gigantic, dangerous seas! The fantastic stories that Hodgson wrote are literary tour-de-forces, he had a marvelous way with words and phrases that make you feel the mood of those fearsome times and places. He draws you aboard those old wooden sailing ships, and you are there . . . Rocking to the waves of an ocean filled with weird and terrible dangers . . .
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